Monday, April 28, 2014

Dog Whisperer

If Cesar Millan had been born in China, no one would have ever heard of him. Why? Because Chinese people are awesome at training their dogs to behave properly. There is no need for the Dog Whisperer here. Every Chinese person appears to have his exact same set of skills innately.

On my walk home from work, I often pass an old man with his pet Chow. I’ll call them Old Man and Chow because I don’t know their actual names. Anyway, Old Man never puts Chow on a leash. He just carries this big, bamboo looking stick which he uses to tap the ground to give Chow commands. I don’t know the code but, it seems like Chow never disobeys.

I’ve seen other Chinese people do similar things with their dogs. Older men seem to favor the stick and tap method. Another method involves the use of hand signals to give commands todogs. I’ve also seen people use sounds, like whistles, to give commands.

Dogs are really popular pets in China. Many of my neighbors have dogs of all sizes and breeds. Almost every single one of their dogs is well behaved and obedient, even without the use of a leash. I have no how idea Chinese people accomplish this but, they do. It’s a good thing Cesar Millan is in the US because, in China, he’d be unemployed.

Chow looks just like this. I'd pet him if his breed didn't have a violent reputation. 


  1. Man do you need to open your eyes and look just a bit closer. 50-70 thousand people get bit every single year just in Beijing alone! Along with countless amount of puppies dieing from Parvo and Distemper because the lack of simple vaccination knowledge. Well-behaved? Chinese people train theirs dogs using one method...punishment and abuse (what do you think the stick is for) Why do you think the dogs listens so well to the tap and stick movement...because he has been beaten by it countless times in the past, this is called fear and intimidation training. This professional observation comes from an American who has been living and working in Beijing for the last 5 years as a Canine Behaviorist/Dog Trainer who also has 20 years experience working with dogs and their handlers.
    Dennis Schenk

    1. Thanks for your comment. Clearly, you know a lot more about this than I do. I was simply making an observation on the behavior of the dogs. I don't know anything about their methods. Also, I've never seen anyone hit their dog before so, I didn't mention it.

      Thanks again!

      - Jen
