Monday, February 24, 2014

Opportunity Knocks

Last week, my husband, Luiz, and I were sitting at home, watching tv. While we were on the couch, someone knocked on our door. Now, normally, we don’t answer the door unless we’re expecting someone. Our foreignness tends to startle whoever knocked on the door. Plus, we don’t speak Chinese so, we generally have no idea what the person wants. It’s just a waste of everyone’s time. So, this time, we got quiet and pretended to not be home.  This didn’t work.

The other person continued to knock. Finally, he called out “Uh…Hello? Excuse me!” Clearly, this person spoke English and knew that we did too. So, Luiz answered the door. The man, Qi, proceeded to offer us jobs. He is the Associate Dean of Studies at a university and he needs English professors. I’m not sure how much the job pays but, the hours and time off sounded good. Luiz told him that we had jobs already but, Qi left his card and said to feel free to pass along his info to any native English speakers who are looking for a new job.

I’ve never had someone track me down to offer me a job before. It was nice to know I could have had a new job if I needed it but, it was a little weird too.  

Since living in China, two people have offered me jobs out of the blue One was a woman who happened to see me out and offered me a job teaching English at her son’s school. The other was a man who came to my apartment. It seems like, despite its faults, China is shaping up to be the Land of Opportunity. 


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