Monday, August 26, 2013

Hello from Beijing!

We've been in China for 11 days now. So far, it has been fun and definitely a little strange. Check back for more on that in later posts.

Our apartment is very nice. It is a 2/1. So, come and visit. We have plenty of room :)

Why yes, that is a refrigerator and a wine refrigerator in the foyer.

The apartment came fully furnished. All we bought were dishes and some linens. There is a big screen tv on the wall on the right.

The kitchen is narrow. That explains why the fridge is by the door.

A laundry room with a view.

The living room - view 2

The bathroom. Yay for a western style toilet!

The bathroom sink, which has already established dominance over me. (That's for another post...)

The Guest Room - Come visit!

Our room - view 1

Our room - view 2

I'm making an effort to post on Mondays. So, come back next week for another post. 


  1. Looks absolutely fantastic!! I love all the light that comes through. Looking forward to reading up on your experiences. Best of luck!

  2. Looks great and so spacious! Can't wait to come visit!

  3. Have fun you two! Looks like an awesome apartment. It's nice it was furnished. Keep up the blogging!
